There comes a time in everyone’s life where one phase is clearly ending and the next is coming. I am at that exact stage right now. I can feel my life heading into a brand new phase. I have an idea about what it’s going to encompass, but truthfully, there is a lot of unknown in the picture.
Being in the Middle of the Current and New Phases is Confusing
You know you don’t quite belong where you are currently anymore. But you’re not sure exactly where you’re going either. You can feel the changes coming, even if you don’t know the how’s and when’s.
This can easily be a confusing, overwhelming, and frustrating experience. But it doesn’t have to be this way. All you have to do is change your perspective.
Uncertainty and Mystery are the Energies of Life
Don’t let the unknown scare you. Life keeps throwing at you the unknown. Think back to every phase that first began in your life. You were taken care of somehow, right?
Everything turned out right and the way they were meant to. Trust the unknown and let your intuitive energy guide you. Know that where you are going is happening for a reason. For your best interest. It’s what keeps life interesting and keeps your spark alive.
Most of the thrill is in the journey, after all.
What is your experience in living in the unknown? How do you embrace it? Please share with me in the comments.

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