When you have a dream, you should not let your dream just sit and let dust gather on it. Do something about it! Your dream may seem impossible, but don’t cast any judgments without attempting it. What’s life without a dream, after all?
Here are five steps you can take now:
Read Books
Read books relating to your subject. For example: I bought on writing and read it. I can’t tell you how much I learned by reading the writing books. I learned how to create character sketches and the plot for Enchanted Silence.
Recently, I bought a book on marketing books and I created a marketing schedule on targeting blogs and radio and television stations.
Read Websites
There is a plethora of information on the web. Google search your area of expertise and find the experts or people who are doing what you want to do. Read their blogs and website content.
You can also join newsletters and forums to meet other people virtually and bounce ideas off one another. I found out about writer’s conferences in Los Angeles and New York City through the web and went to both which helped me greatly.
Create a List of Tasks
This may sound tedious, but it’s something that needs to be done. You don’t have to make a list that takes days. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Just write down a task of the things you can do now. Maybe start with the smaller steps and start with those. Once you complete those, you can make a new list and tackle new tasks. This will help you to grow your confidence as well.
Talk to An Expert
Sometimes, no matter how much knowledge is available in books and on the web, nothing beats talking to an expert over email, phone, or in-person. I have found editors and writing consultants and spoken to them over the phone and in-person. I went to conferences and spoke to experts and asked pointed questions.
I attended Meet-Up groups and met people who passed on their knowledge. This helped me build my network as well.
Create Deadlines
It sounds daunting, but set a deadline for yourself. If life comes in the way, you can always adjust the date. But setting a date is helpful because it pushes you to keep the momentum going on your dream.
What are you doing to kick start your dream? Please share with me in the comments.

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