Facing your fears is one of the most transforming experiences you have in your life. Everyone has fears, seemly trivial or significant, but nonetheless they are present in our lives. Even tiny fears when not dealt with can hinder your progress and limit your potential.
You may have seen such people. They may have a fear of animals or getting married – whatever it is, it is important to face them bang on. Otherwise, they never really go away…
The Result Might Be Amazing
The result could blow your mind away. You never know the outcome of something you set out to do, but it’s better to try something despite your fear rather than live your life wondering what could have happened.
You can Overcome It
The possibility of overcoming what your fear should be enough to face it fully. For example: If you have a fear of being emotionally close to someone, then probe deep in your heart why you do. Does it have to do with some experience in the past? Do you have patterns of thinking that are limiting you?
Limits Your Potential
If the fears are not going away and you’re discontent in your life, this is clearly a sign to do something about your fears. Not only does it prevent you from living an inspired life, it also limits your potential. Imagine what you could be capable of if your fears didn’t get in the way.
Inspire Yourself and Others
Many people in the world have stood up to their fears and in the process, inspired many. If you’re a parent, dealing with your fear can set a great example for your kids. Or you can inspire your boyfriend or friends to do the same.
Realize the Fear is Greater than the Outcome
Often, the fear takes on this seemingly grand aura. It’s a lot larger than it actually is. When you start to live with the fear, you say yes to fear instead of love. You’re living your life from a place of fear, instead of beauty.
Deal with Things, Rather than Avoid them
One of the best lessons it can teach you is to deal and confront what is bothering you. Avoiding something has never solved anything. The first step to finding a solution is to admit there is a fear and problem.
How do you feel when you face your fears? Please share with me in the comments.
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