Before you came into your man’s life, the most important woman in his life was his mother. There is a cloudy perception that involvement of his mother can mean you playing a less role in his life.
I do not agree with this. While I agree too much dependence on his mother is not good, I strongly believe you should always encourage your guy to spend time with his mother.
Creates Smoother Communication
No one has a perfect relationship with their parents. Some more complicated than others. If his parents are divorced or separated, then you should definitely encourage him to spend time with his mother. I dated a guy who would often go to his mother for dinners. His parents were divorced and I felt some anchor to his childhood would cause him to blossom.
When he makes time for his mother and respects her, then he will do the same for you. I felt as he spent time with his mother, he was starting to become more emotionally open with me.
His Mother Respects You
It shows to the guy and his mother that you are a secure, confident woman. Without even meeting his mother, she understands what a positive role you play in his life. She appreciates and respects that you are encouraging him to have a relationship with her. Being in a relationship with a guy adds to his and your life. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to nurture the relationships you’ve had with your loved ones.
How do you encourage your guy to spend time with his mother? Why do you think this is important? Please share with me in the comments.

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