Do you still stay friends after a break up? Do you still stay in contact? My answer to both of these questions is a loud no. I don’t believe in staying in touch nor being friends.
You are a Woman of High Quality
The number one reason I believe a woman should not keep in touch is because it shows you are a woman of high quality.
It shows that you are not desperate or needy. If you start calling or text him like crazy, then it actually justifies his decision in not continuing a romantic relationship with you.
It Will Empower You
Also, silence may cause him to doubt his decision. But that’s not the important part. It’s more important that you feel empowered by this.
Even if he was the one who decided to end the relationship, you do have a choice in how you will behave. Respect the time you spent together, but honor yourself, too. You can conduct yourself with dignity while dealing with this unexpected event.
If someone doesn’t want to be with you, it’s better not to fight it and instead embrace it. You will feel a strange strength in doing this.
Fill Your Life with Your Greatness and Beauty
Start living your life to the fullest. You had a life before he came. And you will continue to have one even after him. Make your own life a romance. Overfill yourself with all the things and people that make you happy and bring out your best. If not him, another wonderful man will come along who will be the cherry on top.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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