Have you had a guy pull away in the beginning stages of dating or midway in a relationship? Every woman at some point has faced this. When this happens, you doubt yourself and feel frustrated.
If you’re like me, you were left dumbfounded. You were wondering what the heck happened suddenly when you thought everything was going smoothly and great.
You are More Invested than Him
One of the main reasons is you are more invested emotionally in the relationship than him. As soon as a man starts sensing this, he freezes up. This is especially true if you’re seeing a man who has a history of flings and barely any long-term relationships.
He feels pressure and responsibility for your happiness. It can be too much for him to handle, so he starts withdrawing.
He Starts Feeling Guilty
Did he cancel on a date? Or are his actions not meeting your expectations? Contrary to popular opinion, a man does not want to disappoint you. He wants you to feel good. Why? Because it makes him feel good about himself.
When he starts feeling guilty and that he’s disappointing you, he pulls away.
Expectations Are Different
It can be as simple as your expectations are entirely different from his. Maybe you want a relationship and he wants something casual. If you still carry on thinking he’s going to change his mind or convert what you have into a long-term relationship later, then you two are starting off in two different foots.
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