In the world we live in today, there is an obsession to make more money, land that coveted promotion, have a grand marriage, and the list goes on and on.
In other words, there is an obsession with winning. I have found myself caught in this trap, too.
You Focus on the End Result More than the Process
When you’re into winning too much, you end up focusing on the end result. You don’t let the process unfold organically. There is a danger to this because you don’t let yourself relax and enjoy the beautiful process.
I say this often, but I found immense satisfaction in the process of writing my novel Enchanted Silence. When I found out the news I had received an offer of representation, I was thrilled! I jumped up and down with joy. I had tears of joy in my eyes. But this is no way takes away from the wild journey I took to get here.
And even now, signing with an agent is the first step. There is a beautiful journey ahead. The outcome is important, but I also want to enjoy this process of writing a novel and getting my first novel published.
Does Not Create Emotional Balance
Also, by focusing on winning too much, you link your self-esteem and confidence to the outcome. See, you can put in your work and do things with the right spirit, but the outcome is ultimately not in your control. Let everything unfold as they are meant to be. Do your part, put in your heart, and trust the Universe will bring you what is yours.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.
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