When you transition to a new chapter of your life, you will notice people and things falling away from your life. Don’t be alarmed. This is absolutely normal.
Just like the Seasons, People Will Come and Go
Summer ends and the leaves start falling softly on the ground to make way for fall to come. It is inevitable that one season has to end for the next to arrive. It is inevitable that there are changes in the physical environment and weather.
In the same way, as you move through your life’s seasons, people will start to fall away.
When You Do the Inner Work, Your External World Starts Changing
As you turn inward and listen to your stillness, you become more tuned with yourself. Your inner guidance will start to whisper to you and because you are still, you’ll be able to hear these beautiful whispers.
As you raise your internal vibration, your external world will start to reflect that. People who fall away served their role in your life and they must move away for new people who share the same vibration as you to enter.
Your Energy is Going to Flow in a New Direction
When you raise your internal vibration, your energy is going to start to flow in a way that’s more aligned to your truth. You’ll notice even things falling away and events happening out of the blue that are more aligned to your truth.
When you live your highest truth, even life will start to respond to you in the same way. The people and things that enter will be aligned to your highest truth.
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