This is a tricky situation. You love your parents, but you love your boyfriend as well. What do you do in this situation?
Be Respectful Towards Your Guy and Parents
If your parents don’t like your boyfriend, make sure you are still respectful towards your parents. Your parents are entitled to their opinion after all.
Do the same with your boyfriend, make sure you respect him even if your parents don’t like him. Your boyfriend may not feel great and feel insecure about the situation, so it’s important you be gentle to him during this time.
Ask Your Parents Why
When things cool down, ask your parents why they don’t like your boyfriend. Listen to the reasons calmly. If your parents don’t give you a reason and just say they don’t like him, then you should still be polite, but press for reasons.
Express Yourself and Be True to Yourself
At the same time, be true and honest about your decision to be with your boyfriend. Probe about their reasons, but make it clear that they should respect your decision. You have a right to live your life on your terms. Be sensitive to your parents’ reasons and concerns, but at the same time, be aware that you can steer your life’s ship the way you wish as an adult.
Have you had this experience? How did you react? Please share with me in the comments.

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