I have definitely started living my life in a more heart-driven way. It’s not always perfect and I do find myself slipping away, so I start to dive deeper back into my practices of writing in my gratitude journal and stilling my mind. I go back to doing simple things that make me happy instead of fretting about the future. I’ll go for a quiet walk outside or snuggle up in my bed and read a book.
Your Mind is Logical and Rational
Your mind is a great tool bestowed upon you. It’s what you use to think rationally and analyze. But it’s when you stop listening to your heart and completely rely on your head is when you may start to feel anxiety. When you rely too much on your head, you begin to over think and over analyze.
Your Heart is Filled with Infinite Wisdom and Guidance
Your heart carries a feminine energy. It whispers to you exactly what is right for you every moment. If you can tap into this energy, all the infinite guidance is available at your fingertips.
Your mind is logical and rational, but it is also limited. It has its own programming and set of self beliefs. But your heart is limitless and expansive. Pay clear attention to your feelings and how your body is responding. Is it trying to tell you something? Often, your heart knows way before you actually “know” or acknowledge something.
Living your life in a heart-driven way is the key to living a life aligned to your truth and letting life flow. It will make the relationship you share with yourself stronger.
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