As a twenty-something woman, you may dated a few frogs along the way.
Gosh, I sure have! They weren’t pleasant experiences. Sometimes, it luckily was only one date. Other times, the experience extended into several dates.
Here are some lessons you can take away from my experiences!
Observe Signs for Immaturity
How do they react in an unfavorable situation? It’s important to see how a guy behaves in such situations. If you were on a date at a restaurant and the waiter happened to spill the drink on him, does he flip out and speak rudely to the waiter?
Or does he brush it off, speak politely, and laugh off the situation. This speaks volumes about his maturity level.
How Does He Talk About Women?
I was once on a date at a bar with a smart engineer guy. We seated ourselves on the sofa in the lounge and observed a girl drunk with a guy clearly thrilled with the situation. The guy I was with chuckled and remarked how the girl was a “slut” for being drunk. My jaw dropped.
Clearly, that was my last date with the guy. It’s important to date a guy who respects women. Why? Because he’ll respect you.
Helps You Realize the Value of a Quality Guy
Through out my experiences, I’m thankful that I now know the true value of a quality guy. I’ll ensure I appreciate him when he treats me with respect and care.
Have you ever dated the wrong guy? What was it like? Please share with me in the comments.

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