Have you had a friend who flirts with your boyfriend? Would it bother you? At first, you thought it would go away, but it continued to persist.
What do you then? This is more common than you think. The first thing to do is acknowledge this behavior bothers you.
Are they really flirting?
Determine what your definition of flirting is. Are they being friendly? Or is it really flirting? The reason you want to determine this is to see if your feelings are genuine and any action needs to be taken. Please note that flirting can be subtle or indirect.
Who is encouraging the flirty behavior?
Is your friend initiating the flirting? Or is your boyfriend? You really want to be clear about this. If it’s your boyfriend, then you may want sit down with him and have an honest talk with him. Don’t accuse him or get overly aggressive.
Rather, tell him what he exactly does and how it affects you emotionally.
For example, you can say: “I notice you touch her waist when you talk to her and it makes me feel uncomfortable.” Be calm and direct when speaking to him.
Consider Having a Direct Conversation with Your Friend
You can also talk to your friend. If your friend seems to be flirting back or initiating or even encouraging this behavior, it is important you talk to her. By doing this, you are setting healthy boundaries and letting her know in a firm but polite manner that you are aware of her behavior.
You can also have your boyfriend talk to her, too, if you’d like.
Have you been in this situation? How did you deal with it? Please share with me in the comments.

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