I have such a control freak that it’s not even funny! I love being in control and I like to make sure I use my time efficiently. That means I hold myself accountable for every minute and second. But it goes too far sometimes. Because then I feel like my life is not flowing…
Your Life is Not One Big Schedule
Living your life according to hectic schedules and agendas is not a way to live. Because then you’re not enjoying the process. You’re just constantly looking at the clock. It’s like you’re a soldier in the battle field. And that’s not pretty. It’s not fun.
Focus On the Moment
What’s the point if you’re not having fun along the way? One way to break away from clinging tightly to schedules and agendas is to focus on the moment at hand. When you’re too intent on checking off something on your to-do list, then you may not notice a beautiful moment unfolding right in front of you. Why? Because you’re too busy chasing to-do items on a list.
Take Many Breaks that Rejuvenate You
Get very clear about what you want to accomplish for the day, week, and month. When you schedule in commitments, why not schedule clear blocks of time that you use to clear your head and relax?
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