My Parents Were Like the Unmoving Rocks in the Ocean…
Parents play a HUGE role in our lives. My parents have been together for over 30 years and though they still have their moments, they seem happy with each other. I get my patience from my father and creativity and practicality from my mother.
Situations came and went in my life, but the only steady factor was the presence of my parents. They were always there for me like the unmoving rocks in the ocean.
The Reality: Not Always Around
I do understand some people do not share such close relationships with their parents due to specific reasons. But whatever the reason, the reality is that our parents won’t always be around. We each have limited time on this earth, so why not use that time wisely and spend it joyously with our parents?
Show Respect
One of the best ways to show them respect is to speak to them with respect. We say thank you and please to strangers, why not to our parents? Also, please don’t take out your anger or frustration on them.
If you are not in the right state of mind, it’s better to be honest to your parents and take some space to become normal.
Make Time For Them
Every single one of us has a crazy schedule. No matter how busy, we make time for our friends and partners. It’s equally important to do the same for your parents. It shows you care. Go over for dinner or watch a movie with them. Even just have a ten minute conversation where you are fully present.
The Little Gestures
Love is not only about buying gifts and spending money. I’m not saying these things don’t come from a space of love, but sometimes we don’t look at the little things.
My mother cannot speak English perfectly and though many cannot, for some reason, this is some source of insecurity for her. When we are at a grocery store, I give my mother the option that I can talk on her behalf and encourage her to speak if she’d like by telling her she speaks beautifully. For my father, I make him a cup of tea without him asking because he loves tea.
Sometimes, the little things show far more understanding and care.
How do you spend time with your parents? Has your relationship changed with them since you started spending time? Please share with me in the comments.

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