I wish I could say I’m a morning person. It’s something I am planning to do now. Establishing a morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day.
Your Days Are Chaotic and Busy
If you’re like me, your weeks fly by fast. Every day is packed with work and many other commitments. In the midst of hectic schedules, your life seems like a blur.
It’s a good idea to establish a morning routine that works well for you so you can use that time to connect to your heart.
A Morning Routine Can Be Anything You Want
A morning routine can be simple. It doesn’t have to be anything too complicated. I have been making proper breakfasts every morning. Before I start work, I fit in five minutes of listening to guided meditation tracks. Sometimes, I even work while listening to them.
You can roll out a yoga mat and lie there with your eyes closed. You can go for a relaxing run outside or go to the gym.
Fit in a Regular Activity that Lets You Express Your Feelings
Your choice of activity should let you become still. It should also allow you to feel comfortable enough in expressing your emotions. A journal is a great way to do this. You can even ask yourself questions in the morning before you start the day: How are you doing? How are you feeling?
A solid morning routine lets you connect to your heart and ready to take on the day with a peaceful energy.
Related: Set Aside Quiet Time to Connect to Your Heart
Do you have a morning routine? How did you establish your morning routine so you could be more relaxed and connect to your heart? Please share with me in the comments.

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