When a desire bubbles in your heart, it’s because your soul wants you to expand and grow. Your heart never desires anything that it doesn’t feel is possible.
Do Yourself a Favor: Don’t Question Your Desire
The next time you find a desire bubble in your heart, don’t knock it right away. Live with it. Feel it. I have always desired to be a creative person. It’s what nourishes my soul. I feel happy, alive, and joyful when I write and involve myself in other creative pursuits.
I couldn’t help, but think back to my childhood. There is a moment clearly etched in my mind from then. When I was about seven or eight years old, I remember watching something on television and thinking to myself that’s what I’m going to do when I grow up.
I was about seven or eight years old! My heart knew all this way before I could even consciously understand the world and its workings. As I grew up, I pushed my desires away.
I took up several jobs and got busy with family and other responsibilities. I don’t regret any of these experiences because they have contributed to me becoming who I am today.
However, I do realize one thing crystal clear. I ignored my heart’s calling. I ignored my heart’s desires.
Your Desires Happen for a Reason
My desires happened for a reason. It wouldn’t have come to me if it wasn’t possible to actualize.
I don’t dream of becoming a singer or pilot. These desires don’t resonate with me. They don’t uplift me.
Why did I desire to become a fulfilled creative individual? It’s because that what my calling is. It’s what I am meant to do and be.
But like most people, I freaked out. I couldn’t believe I was meant to do it. It didn’t seem possible.
You Are a Soulful, Energetic Being
On the outside, you are skin and bones, but you are more than that. Essentially, you are a bundle of energy.
The purpose of your soul is to grow and expand. How? When? Why? That is different for every single person.
In The Alchemist, there are two famous lines:
Why do we have to listen to our hearts?” the boy asked.
“Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you will find your treasure.”
I freaked out because I didn’t think it was possible to fulfill my desires. All I needed to do was take one step towards that desire.
My soul has all the answers. I don’t need to know all the answers. It would guide me each step of the way. You see, your heart is your treasure 🙂
Sit With Your Desires
Next time, a desire arises in you, do not dismiss it. Sit with it. Close your eyes. Visualize your desire.
How does it feel? Indulge all your senses. Touch. Smell. See. Hear. Taste. How does your heart feel? How is your body responding?
Give yourself the time and space to do this. It doesn’t matter how your desire will be manifested. There is peace and beauty in just feeling the desire.
Connect with Your Intuition Daily
This requires you to slow down. You may be living a busy lifestyle, but it’s imp0rtant to take out time daily to sit with your desires and simply be still.
Be present. Be engaged with how you are feeling. It is in the stillness when you are truly living. It is when you are suddenly sleeping, eating, running, or showering, when a beautiful nugget of wisdom will slide into your head.
You will receive precious guidance from your heart and soul. But first, you must be quiet enough to listen to it in the first place.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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