Imagine how much of your time and energy gets sucked into television! I have spend so much time watching television that I didn’t even realize when the day passed and night came. And then night became day again!
What If You Didn’t Watch Television for a Month?
Just think how much time you would have. What could you do with that time?
Why not go to the gym and exercise? Or meet up with friends and have an insightful conversation? Or go to a salsa dancing class? Try Bikram Yoga?
You get my point.
Use the Time to Have New, Vibrant Experiences
Television causes you to become stuck in a routine. There is an entire, exciting world out there waiting for you! There are a gazillion things you can do!
The time opens up for you to experience things and meet new people.
Refresh Your Perspective and Feel Energized
I have felt my mind clearing up when I go out and have a new experience. I remember trying Bikram Yoga for the first time. I almost fainted the first time, but I met many nice people and became friends with them afterwards
It changed my perspective on exercise and made me realize the importance of exercising our mind along with our body. I would’ve never realized this if I hadn’t gone out and joined this class! I also felt rejuvenated and relaxed afterwards.
I have countless other experiences such as this, only because I got off my sofa and tried something new!
Have you tried this? What was your experience? Please share with me in the comments!

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