Got a job? Check. Got a boyfriend? Check. And the list goes on and on! At times, I feel like I’m living my life according to a check list on a simple piece of paper.
I go through the days thinking what item I need to next check off. But is that truly living life? Not really. After a point, you don’t feel satisfaction and it’s like you’re drifting away.
Let Go of Perfection!
I have noticed this quality in most of my managers. They were fantastic at what they did, but they became caught up with the result so much that they weren’t enjoying the process.
They were always tense and worrying about something or the other. They were always on edge.
But when you let go of trying to be perfect and sticking to a plan so tightly, then you allow your creativity to spark. The best ideas come to you when you are relaxed.
Go With the Flow
No matter how much you try, you can’t entirely predict the future. You can put in your best work, but ultimately the outcome will take on its own shape. It’s better to go with the flow and believe that whatever you are doing will have the best outcome.
Embrace What is Happening Every Moment
Accept what is happening to you at this very moment wholeheartedly. Feel whatever you are feeling intensely. This is also part of letting go and living an inspired life.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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