My Internet suddenly stopped working. I work from home, so I had to make sure the Internet was up and running. I picked up the phone and immediately called Comcast. Eventually, a Comcast Representative came to the line and spoke to me.
I told Her I Needed My Internet to be Connected and Running
A young woman probably in her twenties or thirties asked me questions about my Internet. This had happened before, and usually the representative resolved the matter within a minute or two. They simply reset the router and voila the Internet was working perfectly again.
Well, this time it wasn’t so simple.
She was brand new to her job. It was obvious she was still in training mode. She asked me detailed questions that didn’t make total sense to me. I answered her questions, but after a point, I started becoming irritated. I just wanted my Internet to freaking work!!
I started to become impatient and my tone took on a harsher tone. She sensed it and tried her best to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
But Guilt Arose in my Heart…
One of my past work experiences floated to my mind at that moment. I remember learning something brand new and trying to do my best while talking to candidates for the first time. Some candidates were not nice to me and I could tell by their tone, they were thinking: “Can this girl just hurry up and ask me the right questions?”
But how would I learn until I didn’t make mistakes? Practice makes perfect. I remember that I wanted the candidates to be more compassionate towards me. And now I was behaving in the same insensitive manner towards this girl.
Why Couldn’t I be Compassionate Towards Her?
The Internet started working and I thanked her for her work. My voice softened. I was gentler towards her. I was more compassionate. After all, we all go through such experiences. I went through it myself when I first started recruiting. After the call, the survey line called me and I gave her all ten out of tens!
What has been your experience in being kinder? Please share with me in the comments.

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