Dates are meant to be fun, flirty, and oh so delicious! I love going on dates. I feel it’s an opportunity for my sensuality and femininity to come out.
Another important byproduct of going on dates? Hint: It has to do with yourself!
Going on dates is like a getting a glimpse or snapshot into your and his personalities. It’s the perfect way to share your personality and life.
Express Through Stories
A great way to reveal your personality in a cute way is through stories. You can tell a story about yourself. It can be funny, goofy, or emotional.
For example: I tell a story about how I klutzy I am. I tell a date about the time I fell down the stairs in college. This tells him that I don’t take myself too seriously and am light-hearted. That I feel comfortable with myself. That I have a goofy, dorky side.
Be Witty and Flirty
Another cute way to reveal parts of your personality is to be witty and create that tug and pull game of tension. It’s a great way to flirt and go back and forth.
I once told a date this: “Did I mention I like guys with scruffy beards?” It made him smile and kind of blush at the same time 🙂
Ask Him Questions
Ask your date some questions that get him to open up. Ask him: What is the greatest moment of your life? Depending on how he answers that question, you can learn a lot about his emotional motivation and personality.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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