I came back from my LA trip last Thanksgiving weekend. The next day on a Monday, I had to do my first presentation ever. It was for the Silicon Valley Bloggers and Writers Group. I attended their meetings for nearly a year and learned most of what I know about blogging and websites from a gentleman named Bill Belew.
He invited me to present my story of signing with a literary agent. I explained in detail about how I started blogging and gave it my personal twist.
I was Super Nervous
I was excited, but nervous about doing the presentation. I had no idea what people would think. I kept thinking what if my presentation ends up being too boring. Or the material I present wouldn’t be useful.
I Just Stopped Thinking and Presented!
There comes a point where your fears can only take so much space in your head. Whether I liked it or not, I could not turn back. I had to do the presentation. I had accepted the invitation and Bill had sent out the official invite. I had to honor the request now.
I stopped thinking and just started presenting! I stopped thinking what others would think or what they should think. I explained my story and did it as if I was telling a group of friends. I just tried to be myself. People asked me questions and I answered the best I could.
I didn’t always know the answer, but I gave the best possible answer and also admitted I didn’t know the full answer at times. Afterwards, several people came up to me to tell me how much they loved my presentation. I was genuinely touched.
I realized I didn’t have to be perfect. People like to connect with YOU and one of the ways to do so was to just be yourself and that includes embracing your imperfections.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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