Meditation isn’t really about control. It’s about surrendering to the present moment. It’s about fully accepting what’s happening at the moment and having a detachment to the external world in some ways, too.
I got into meditating this year and am amazed at the changes I have found in myself.
Meditation Stabilizes Your Emotional Swings
When I was younger, specifically in my teenage years, I felt dramatic swings of emotion. I felt intensely happy, mad, or sad. I lost myself in my puddles of emotion. As I grew older, I stopped feeling intensely. I didn’t even allow myself to feel an emotion properly.
But when I started meditated, I didn’t have to do either. I could feel what I was feeling completely. I didn’t have to shun my feelings away. But I didn’t have to drown in puddles of emotions either. It was more like having a fly sit on your arm and just accepting its presence.
Allows You to Accept Your Emotions
I accept my emotions and just let my mind flutter away when meditating. I don’t fight or resist anything. I found a strange peace in even feeling angry or sad.
I felt myself becoming more centered.
When You are Centered, you Can Respond More Wisely
When life knocks me around, I still feel pretty centered. I reach internally and seek the peace and solace I need within myself. I find myself better able to deal with life. Regardless of what’s happening, I feel fulfilled.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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