One of the quickest ways to manifest more of what you want is by appreciating what you already have. Sounds too simple? Well, it is true! Most people look around them and don’t feel any sense of content. Instead, they cringe or feel lack. They think about what they don’t have.
Give Thanks for What You Have
What message are they sending to the Universe? That they don’t want more. That they want less of what they actually desire. That they desire lack.
Step back and think about it for one moment. If you give a gift to someone and they don’t express appreciation, then how would you respond? You probably wouldn’t feel compelled to give another gift. The Universe responds in the same way.
Related: 5 Steps to Release Fear and Be Connected to Faith and Love
Be Grateful Even When It Does Not Seem That Way
The fastest and best way to manifest more is by expressing genuine appreciation for what you already have. This may take some time. It may not come easily. Start by trying to express mild like or thanks for what you have. As time progresses, then you will start to see the effects and you will be able to express more genuine thanks.
I have a gratitude journal where I list things I feel grateful for. I practice this especially when I don’t feel grateful or am not having a good day.
Allow More Blessings and Prosperity to Enter Your Life
My mood changes immediately and I notice my vibration also shifts to a more positive one. Like a magnet, your intentions and vibration become stronger and you attract more blessings and prosperity.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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