Friendships are a huge part of my life. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without my close-knit circle of friends. Do you have friendships that support and nurture you? Do you have friends with whom you can discuss any topic under the sun?
Grow and Deepen Your Friendships
It’s vital you have friends who you can lean on for support and guidance. Just like any relationship, you need to nurture your friendships. Think of it this way: When you grow a plant, you first plant the seed into the soil. Then, you let the sun shine its rays over the plant and also water it. If too much sun or water is showered on the planet, what happens? The plant is overwhelmed and won’t grow.
If you don’t allow enough sun or water, then the plant withers away. Friendship is the exact same way! Don’t let your friendships be overwhelming or wither away. Give your friends space, but also give time to grow and deepen your friendships.
Spend Time with Your Friends!
Allocate time from your busy schedule to your friends. Spend time with them and listen to them. Be sincere and care. People will do the same.
What are the benefits of deepening your friendships?
- Helps you deal with challenging experiences
- Makes you feel happy and more connected
- Boosts your immune system since spending time with friends releases positive emotions
- Develop a support system where you can be your authentic self
Do you feel your friendships have added to your life? Has it made you feel more connected and happier? Please share with me in the comments.

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