Happy New Year! 2015 is finally here! I don’t know about you, but I am super excited about this year. I get this feeling inside my tummy that it’s going to be a super special year.
I have written down my intentions for the year. I have set aside sufficient time to relax and nourish my body and heart. I want to ask you one question: What is one thing that you are going to change this year?
Pick One Thing You Are Going to Change This Year
I say pick one thing because it is easy to work on one thing you’re going to transform in your life. It doesn’t sound overwhelming and it’s easily doable.
My one thing that I am going to change this year is to transform my career. I’m putting my 200% in marketing my novel and want to make a seamless, fluid transition out of working in offices and into writing and dabbling in films and other creative forms. I also want to have multiple streams of income through this.
Write it Down and Take One Action Towards it Every Single Day
Write down whatever area of your life you want to transform on a piece of paper. Take that sheet of paper and hang it somewhere in your room that is easily visible. Take a simple, easy action every day that helps you get closer to your goal. When 2015 wraps up, look at how far you’ve gotten 🙂
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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