If you’re Indian or have Indian friends, then you will understand EXACTLY what I am about to say. There needs to be a rule book dedicated just to dealing with Indian parents and family friends!
In American culture, you usually call your friend’s parents Mr. and Mrs. so and so. In Indian culture, when I meet a friend’s parents, I call them either auntie or uncle.
Indian Parents and Family Friends are Obsessed with School
Being the oldest, my parents were obsessed with my college admission. I crumbled under my parents’ expectations. And to be frank, every family friend’s party I attended over the weekends, the same question was uttered to me over and over again.
Truth be told, I wanted to slap the person sometimes (Imagine the reaction if I actually did that!). I was asked about my SAT scores to the number of AP (Advanced Placement) classes I was taking in high school.
I never quite fit in because I did not pass my AP Biology class, whereas I did superbly well in my AP French class.
As I Grew Older and Got a Job, the Questions Shifted to My Marriage…
I thought the questions would be done and over with when I started working. I graduated from a good university and got a decent job. I was meeting the expectations of Indian parents worldwide! But alas, I forgot one thing. I had to get married before age twenty-five! And now I am twenty-eight years old and not married, so you can guess the questions I get on a daily basis.
When are you getting married? Why aren’t you married? Get married before thirty or you won’t be in “demand” as much.
Love Being Indian
Either way though, I do love being Indian! And though the questions bug me, I know it comes from a good, loving place.
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