Procrastination is easy to get sucked into. Sometimes, I get so into the routine of trying to make my environment perfect as an excuse to not complete the things I need to do. I’ll organize my clothes, wash the dishes, and clean the whole place up. And then I’ll sit down to do my tasks…
And even then, I won’t get much done. Here are some ways I have devised to get things done:
Make a Smart To-Do List
Make a list of all the tasks you need to get done for the day and even week. You can make the list on your computer or write them down on a sticky note. I personally have lots of sticky notes on my computer. I even have detailed spreadsheets saved on my computer. But then I love lists! It’s a good way to see a daily reminder and be on track.
Break down the Tasks
Don’t do everything at once. It’s how you overwhelm yourself, freak out, and not end up doing anything. For one day or the week, arrange some combination of easy tasks along with the more time-consuming ones. Space them out so you feel a sense of accomplishment when you complete them.
Stop Waiting for Perfect and Just Do It!
Sometimes, you just have to stop waiting for the perfect time and do it!
Don’t Let Temptation Get in the Way
Don’t let the state of your place or social life get in the way. Instead, make the time to complete the tasks so you can enjoy the good things in life fully.
What are your tips on not procrastinating? Please share with me in the comments.

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