There comes a point where you are standing at the crossroads of your life. You can’t walk backwards. You can’t stay where you are. You have no choice, but to make certain decisions. Because the time has come for you to march forward even if you don’t have any idea what the future holds.
How do you make such decisions? How do you deal with the fear? How do you not become overwhelmed? I have made some important big decisions for myself. Personally, I know I am at that stage. I can only move forward and here are some ways I used to make my big decisions.
Use Your Intuition
Tap into your inner guidance. Listen to that beautiful intuitive whisper. What is your heart telling you to do? How does the decision feel? Think about both sides.
One way I figured out which direction to go to was I thought about both the sides of the decision and closed my eyes and felt my inner stirrings. You may not know why, but your heart and soul will be guiding you in a specific direction.
Turn Inwards
This one is obviously linked to the previous point. Instead of relying on what others say and the external world, turn inwards. Focus on your inner world. How are you feeling? What are you feeling compelled to do? Will the choices you make cause you to feel fulfilled internally?
Ask Yourself If You can Face Yourself in the Mirror Proudly
This is one question I have always asked myself. Whenever fear has overwhelmed me, I asked myself whether I could face myself in the mirror. Would I be able to smile and be proud of myself?
Will You Be Happy and Fulfilled Either Way 5-10 Years Later?
No matter how scared and overwhelmed you feel, if taking the big decisions will cause you to be feel fulfilled in the long run, then make those choices.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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