One weekend, I had lists of things I needed to complete. It was important I get them done so I could focus on other things the following week.
That’s My Personality – An Organized & Control Freak!
It’s who I am. I love to plan and organize. I can’t tell you how happy I feel when I open up Microsoft Excel and create spreadsheets. I have spreadsheets for managing my finances, novel outlines, and now for Enchanted Silence’s marketing campaign.
Suddenly, I got invited to a really fun party. I was leaning towards not going because of all the work on my plate, but I decided to go anyway. I ended up crashing at the party because it was a late night. And I didn’t get anything done.
But you know what? I had an absolutely fantastic time! I lived life in those moments. And the odd thing is – it actually provided me with the perfect inspiration for a scene I was working on in Enchanted Silence for some time.
When You’re Too Busy Planning…You Miss Life
The thing is though when you’re too busy planning and scheduling, you miss out on life. Have you heard of this quote? “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”
Life can be presenting something gorgeous right in front of your eyes, but you still miss it.
When you’re too busy trying to control the outcome, you can’t see what life has to offer you. Surrender and trust, because what if life knew better than you?
Be Open to Receive and Follow
New possibilities do not enter your life giving you a heads up. They don’t say, “Hey there, Priyanka, I’m gonna be coming your way around this time, so be prepared.”
New possibilities and opportunities simply come! You can’t time it. Let life lead you.
How do you let spontaneous moments and changes allow you to live an authentic life even when you have something else planned? Please share with me in the comments.

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