Gosh, the beauty and chaos of going on a first date! The butterflies swirling in your stomach! Your face feeling hot… The excitement and nervousness of not knowing what the guy will be like and how the date will go.
To make your first date flow more smoothly, here are some pointers I wanted to share with you:
Be Polite
Say “Please” or “Thank You.” Keep your manners and be courteous. Treat him with respect just as you would like to be treated with respect.
Another thing: Make sure you reach the venue on time. Ladies, this means giving yourself ample time to doll up.
Don’t Interview the Guy
A first date is more about feeling the chemistry and vibe between you two and understanding whether you will enjoy getting to know each other over the course of the next dates.
I would suggest sticking to light topics like current events, careers, movies, etc. Leave the more intense questions like their past relationships to another time.
Dress Sexy, but Classy
I usually wore a simple dress that showed just the right amount of skin, but also covered the right amount of skin. Or you can wear pants with a cute top and killer heels.
You want to come across as sensual, but classy at the same time. You also don’t want to look too casual, so wear accessories and dress nicely just as you would expect him to dress his best.
Go With the Flow
A first date should be exciting and adventurous. It’s about feeling each others’ vibes and letting the journey of getting to know each other unfold moment by moment. You don’t need to know what’s going to happen between you two. All you need to know is if you’re enjoying spending time with him and be interested in taking this journey to find out.
What are some tips you can share about first dates? Please share with me in the comments.

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