Waiting is something we are accustomed to doing on a daily basis. We wait in line at the DMV and grocery store. We wait for our college admission letters. We wait for job interview results. All sorts of stuff in life.
But how do you deal with waiting?
It’s not easy to wait. If it’s something important like waiting for job interview results, then you start becoming nervous and worrying about the outcome.
I went to a party this past weekend where I met up with old friends. One of my friends told me he was waiting for a job offer and was feeling tense.
Kept Checking His Email
He confided how he kept obsessively checking email. This really made me wonder. I too am about to hear some exciting news and the closer it’s getting, the more I find myself obsessing.
Trust the Process
The most important thing you can do is to simply trust the process. Think back to all the important milestones that happened in your life. They happened at exactly the right time. You didn’t realize it then, but they did. And if they didn’t, something else more beautiful was in store.
Place faith in the unknown and uncertainty. Learn to let go. When you do, you are trusting that whatever comes to you is coming because it’s the perfect opportunity at the perfect time. And if it doesn’t, that means something else beautiful is in store. Having faith means not seeing evidence, yet believing anyway.
How do you deal with waiting? Please share with me in the comments.

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