There comes a point in every person’s life that they hit a plateau. You are outgrowing the current phase you are in. Life is calling you to head in a different direction.
In other words: leave your comfort zone.
It’s Time to Grow, Darling!
I remember as a child, I had to change quite a few schools. Being a Taurean, I am not very fond of change. I would get used to a school and create a friend circle and suddenly I would have to uproot myself and move to another school. As a result, I went to three different elementary schools between the age of nine to fourteen.
I was a shy child. It was not easy. But I had to leave my comfort zone each time and start afresh.
Similar to this experience, there are phases in your life that come and go like the seasons. Every phase is necessary for your growth.
How Do Know When to Move to the Next Phase?
You start to feel stagnant. Your desires start to change. Your heart and soul beckon you in a different direction.
Deep down, you know it is time. Last year around this time is when I knew it was time to take some concrete steps to fulfill my vision. To live my life more authentically. I knew it was time. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.
There is a niggling feeling in your stomach or chest. It starts off as a tiny feeling and keeps growing larger and larger that you can’t ignore it any longer.
Oh, That Ego!
But then your mind starts working in overdrive. It tells you: Are you crazy? Stay put! There’s no need to change anything up.
But your heart is telling you otherwise. Your mind is meant for your positive use. But when not used correctly, it will cause your ego to meddle and overwhelm you. It will confuse you. It will fill you up with doubts.
Your mind must be a faithful servant to your heart.
Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – The ONLY Way to Grow
When you finally take steps to move forward and transform your life, you will see discomfort settling in. You will find yourself in the throngs of anxiety. You will be so overwhelmed with fear at times that you will clam up. You won’t be able to breathe.
And you’ll want to just go back to where you were. Happens to me all the time! I want to tell you that this is COMPLETELY natural!
I want to share with you some tips on how to become more comfortable with the uncomfortable. These are my favorite practices I personally do on a daily basis π
Take Deep Breathes and Become Still
For someone who used to fill all her time being busy and not leaving any time to become still, this practice has changed my life for the better. I take five to ten minutes before going to bed to close my eyes and breathe. I breathe in and out slowly and deeply.
I do it lying in my bed or I roll up my yoga mat in my bedroom and do it there. Sometimes, I play soothing classical music in the background.
Other times, I play some haunting music. I admit it, I play Haunted by Beyonce or Crazy in Love from 50 Shades of Grey! It helps me get in the mood and embrace it fully. Sometimes, it’s not trying to figure out a solution. It’s just about feeling the emotion. Walking yourself through the discomfort.
Pamper and Treat Yourself
Whenever I feel confused and overwhelmed, I book a massage. Or I’ll go out and treat myself to a nice meal. Even if it means I’m sitting by myself, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is I am listening to my body and responding to its needs.
I’ll pour a glass of wine or make my own drink using my fabulous Magic Bullet. Then, I’ll curl up and read a book at my apartment. It really doesn’t matter what you do.
What matters is you do something to tell yourself: Hey Girl, I got your back! You’re gonna be just fine, beautiful. All you need is some time to pleasure and pamper yourself.
Write in Your Journal or Diary
I do this daily. I have a gratitude journal where I write down the things I’m thankful for. I love it. I go back and read it and I smile. It reminds me of how much beauty and love actually surrounds me. I just have to remind myself from time to time π
I’m not great at writing by hand in a journal, so I have an online diary where I write pages of how I’m feeling and what I’m experiencing. It’s like talking to a girlfriend. Doing it online comes in handy when I’m at the office, too. I can simply pull it up while I’m working and jot down my thoughts during lunch time.
Keep Your Girlfriends (or Really Neat Guy Friends!) On Speed Dial
I literally have my closest girlfriends on speed dial. A week ago, I was filled with doubt and nervousness. What did I do? I immediately texted one of my girlfriends. I told her how I was feeling. She was so sweet and beautiful. Her words were filled with wisdom and soothed me immensely.
Always keep your girlfriends or guy friends close to you. Be there for each other. Be one another’s support system.
Celebrate Milestones, No Matter How Seemingly Small
It’s important to have a vision because it’s what’s going to pull you forward effortlessly. However, sometimes you can be so attached to the vision and overall outcome, that you forget to enjoy the process.
Becoming comfortable with discomfort and going through a transformation is going to be filled with all sorts of moments. But you’re never going to get that beautiful transition again. So why not enjoy it fully? Celebrate your milestones, no matter small!
If it means you made a call to learn more about a program or discussed something important with your parents or partner, celebrate that! It’s a positive step in the right direction.
Sleep and Nap!
When you don’t want to do anything, it’s a huge indicator your body wants you to stop and listen to it. Your body wants you to relax. Sleep on time. Sleep well. Take short naps through out the day.
If you have a busy schedule, then come home and take a fifteen nap instead of switching on the television. I can assure you it’s going to do wonders for you.
Nourish Yourself with Delicious Food
When you get busy, you forget to eat on time. You forget to eat well. I am guilty of doing this. But really, it is during these times that you must support yourself even more lovingly and fully.
If you’re busy, buy a healthy meal outside. Or make some extra food for dinner and pack it for lunch the next day. Always nourish yourself with healthy food. When your energy levels are high, you will be able to be more present and take inspired actions with more ease and flow.
Party or Dance Away!
My personal favorite! I have only gotten into this recently. In fact, I danced some in my bedroom right before writing this blog post!
I love to take my clothes off and dance in my room with just my undergarments and a T-shirt on. I do close the curtains! I’m not that bold π
I have some favorite go to songs to dance in my room. (Shakira, Beyonce, Indian artists!) It helps me shake the jitters and nervousness off.
It helps my energy to flow and gets me all pumped and excited. I automatically start feeling happy. When you’re dancing, there is no time to think. You’re living only in the present.
You can also go dancing with your friends or grab drinks with a friend. Basically, do whatever your heart desires so you can support yourself as you would to a loved one.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? What are some practices you would love to take on board? Please share with me in the comments.

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