I scheduled this post in advance, but it is ironic that something was bugging me this entire week. I finally released the matter and completely let go. I stopped thinking and putting any energy.
I downloaded some meditation tracks, closed my eyes, and listened to them. I felt relaxed and calm. Then, I went to bed early.
Subconsciously, I Felt My Energy Serene While Sleeping
I remember feeling incredibly relaxed. Every part of my body had loosened and my energy was flowing beautifully.
A tiny smile adorned my lips. I literally felt like I was a baby being cradled in my mother’s arms.
I Don’t Remember All My Dreams, but a Solution Came to Me…
The sky and luscious clouds entered my mind while sleeping. Other things filled my dream, but I can’t remember all the details anymore. The next morning, I woke up feeling super light as a feather.
A solution came to me. It wasn’t even a concrete solution, more of a feeling, but I felt I was right on track. I realized I could let go and move forward. I didn’t have to hold onto my old ways.
There was also a strange simplicity to the solution. It was more about shifting my perspective to what was bugging me. I made peace with what was happening and realized it was taking me exactly where I wanted to be. That I needed to just take the leap for what I wanted to do.
Have you slept on something and received the guidance or answers magically later? Please share with me in the comments.

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