This post could not be any truer to my life right now. I’ve said several times before, I have a strong gut feeling that 2015 is my year. That it’s going to my breakthrough year. I feel anxious and I don’t know exactly where I am going.
This weekend, I Was Striving to Do More…To Plan More
My old patterns were returning. I was working on marketing my novel, but focusing too much on the final end result. I was obsessing again about the outcome.
I stopped myself and took a deep breathe. I needed to stop this.
I Needed to Let Go and Allow the Magic Happen
I have to allow the space for wonderful things and miracles to manifest in my life. For that, I will have to detach myself from the outcome.
In this transition period, my life is going through several changes. And I have to step back and embrace the changes. I have to come from a place of acceptance instead of resistance.
Related: 5 Steps to Release Fear and Be Connected to Faith and Love
Don’t Freak out
Life is like a classroom that is constantly throwing you events and people. You may not always understand, but it knows better than you ever can. It’s up to you to surrender completely and trust the process. Let your energy guide your actions instead of pushing yourself to do more. You’ll feel more at ease and inspired.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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