You’re dating a guy and everything is going well. He’s romantic, kind, smart, and funny. To top it, he has a spectacular job and great head on his shoulders. You’ve found your dream man!
But then You Find Out the Unexpected…
He has a girlfriend! It doesn’t even matter how you found out. If the information revealed has come from a reliable source, then you truly have a dilemma on your hands.
Your world comes crashing down you. Your view of him completely shifts. Your chest tightens and you want to cry.
A Mountain of Fury and Hurt Falls On You
It’s understandable you are feeling this way. It’s not an easy situation and must be handled delicately.
The first thing I would suggest you do is cry and let your emotions come out of you. Don’t call or text him in a rushed fury. Instead, take a couple hours or even days to think about what you want to do next.
Call Him or Meet Him In Person
Have a conversation with him. Either speak to him over the phone or set a meeting to meet him. Confront him with what you found out. Observe his reaction. Tell him you don’t appreciate him not telling you the truth.
He May Make All Sorts of Sweet Excuses
It doesn’t even matter whether the reason is justified or not. The point is that you can’t play second fiddle. If he wants to be with you, he must be only with you. And furthermore, lying does not set a solid foundation in a relationship.
Cut off all contact with him and move on with your life. Tell him to not contact you. Develop a relationship with a truthful man.
Have you had this experience or known anyone in this experience? What did you do? Please share with me in the comments.

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