I remember when I read The Alchemist for the first time. In it, Paulo Coelho spoke about the different ways a person does not fulfill his dream or life’s purpose. The most interesting one was how once a person’s dream or desire is about to be fulfilled after undergoing an intense journey, he or she feels a spasm of fear.
Why Would You Fear Your Dream becoming a Reality?
Because it becomes very scary and overwhelming to have your dream become a reality. I would compare it to getting married. Though I don’t have that beautiful experience yet, I would say when two people get married and the bride or broom develop cold feet right before they’re about to utter “I do.”
It’s natural to feel jitters before getting married. It’s not that you don’t love the person you have chosen to be married to, but it’s a huge decision. And you will feel nervous as it’s becoming a reality.
Related: Un-Becoming Who I Am to Become What I am Meant to Be
The Fear of the Unknown: You Can’t Stay In Your Comfort Zone Any More
You can’t settle in your comfort zone. You are being called to something higher and your desire becoming a reality is evidence of that. And some people actually back off. They step back! Right before their dream is about to become a reality.
And they go back to their old ways. Paulo spoke about how that’s actually one of the saddest reasons. Because you’re so close and you step away.
What’s the lesson? Don’t let fear get in the way. Let your heart-driven energy call you to embrace your desires. You are meant to prosper.
Have you felt this way? Did you feel scared when your desire was about to become a reality? Please share with me in the comments.

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