Emotions are like the ocean’s waves. They come in and go. Sometimes, the waves are huge and come in crashing. Other times, it is gentle and sweet. Because of the rather unpredictable nature of emotions, most are uncomfortable with their own emotional nature and cut off from their emotions. How do I know this? Because I was one of those people 🙂
I was very cut off from my own emotions. I made myself numb and pushed them away in an effort to not deal with them. I didn’t want to be vulnerable and sensitive. I wanted to forge forward in my life and career and even relationships. The funny thing is that our feelings hold such potent messages of wisdom and deep inner guidance for us. They nudge us in the right direction and whether something or someone is truly right for us.
It’s also what makes someone wildly intimate. It’s what creates that wild, electric intimacy with two people and propels them into a relationship. Part of the reason I was this way was because I grew up in a family where no one hugged or kissed each other affectionately. Now, everyone in my family loves each other immensely. It just wasn’t said or physically expressed. This led me to grow up and be quite detached in my relationships with friends and men. And, most importantly, with myself.
Even in Enchanted Silence, Shivani tries to hold everything together when her father has a stroke and everything unravels in her family. She doesn’t show her raw, real, vulnerable side to her family because she believes she has to be strong all the time for them. That any show of emotion would mean a sign of weakness.
Through out your day, pause and ask yourself how you are feeling. If a particularly intense emotion arises for you, ask yourself these questions:
Can you name the feeling in a word – like anger, sadness, shame, fear, joy? How does the emotion feel in your body? What’s the most significant thing that happened to you today? How can you hold space for yourself and process this emotion? Take the time to answer these questions to yourself. Repeated these questions in front of a mirror and see what flows out of you. Even better, write them in your journal.
Sensual Practices: Create a safe space and environment for you to feel comfortable to express all your emotions. Dance to music that moves you and allows you to move the feelings in your body. I have a jade egg that I’m practicing with and I love it because not only does it allow me to feel sensual, it also releases a lot of pent up emotion that gets stored in my pelvic space.
Intuitive Practices: Take responsibility for your feelings, emotions, and desires by writing down how you feel. Do regular check-ins through out the day. Make this an active practice because you’ll notice how aware you suddenly become of your own emotions. This is an act of deep self-love and supporting yourself. They will also provide you with guidance on how to approach specific situations or people or in general. It strengthens the relationship you have with yourself and creates trust between you and yourself 🙂
If this post resonated with you and you’d like to be more real, raw, and vulnerable and hold space for yourself to feel all your emotions, please get in touch with me and schedule time with me to become more Wildly intimate with your desires and goals. I’d love to hold space for your own deep transformation, dear Wildly Intimate Woman.
Image source: darlingmagazine.org

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