“You’re doing something to just get by. You’re settling for second best. At least, when you hate or love something, you have a definite opinion. You’ll do something to change it, rock the boat.”- Alan Nicolaisen in Enchanted Silence
Here is another quote featured from my novel Enchanted Silence! One of my personal favorites!
Setting for Second Best Takes Up Space
When you’re settling, you’re taking up precious space in your life. You know that feeling when you’re with someone you like, but don’t love? You don’t really feel anything. You don’t feel alive. You don’t feel that person is the love of your life. Or maybe you feel this way about your life or job.
See, when you love or hate something, you have a solid opinion. It is an opportunity for change and growth. But when you’re comfortable, you’re just settling. You’re being numb.
Blocking the Greater from Coming to You
When you fill your life up with mediocre things and relationships, you don’t feel anything. You’re just living your life on auto pilot. You’re a robot, not feeling anything.
Many people do this. They play it safe to be in their comfort zone. But you see they never truly lived their life! They don’t gain anything or move forward. They stay stuck.
And if they only cleared the space and let go of the things and people not making them happy, would the greatness fill their life. Sometimes, it’s as simple as that. The good news is you can start doing this anytime!
Have you felt this way? What was your experience? Please share with me in the comments!

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