I love to have plans. All the time. When I wrote Enchanted Silence, I had so many plans and spreadsheets. In every part of my life, I have a plan and set goals to make things happen. I even try to force things to happen sometimes. But things don’t always happen the way I plan. And then I push harder…
But what if I did the opposite? What if I just let the plan unfold moment by moment….
Recently, I am feeling the tendency to push even more. When I noticed this, I realized how tight and fearful I was feeling again. So I just stopped. I took a deep breath and made my body still. I decided to accept what was happening and let the plan unfold moment by moment.
Related: Use Gratitude Journaling to Maintain Positive Vibes During a Process of Transformation
The Infinite Possibilities…
A plan is great to have, but it can also be rigid and limited. It’s best to connect to your energy and be receptive to the infinite possibilities. But how would I know if I only stuck to a plan? By surrendering to my present and letting the plan take whatever direction, I am allowing the infinite possibilities to drop into my lap.
Out of the Blue
Think about the moments in your life when you suddenly got the perfect job or met the love of your life. Think about those milestones. Every milestone in my life happened out of the blue and in the most perfect way, that I didn’t even realize it at the time. My inner self was guiding me the whole way and there was no logic to it.
When you make a bold, wholehearted decision, it’s more effective than any plan. In that moment, you connect to this divine force and energy that takes you exactly where you want to be. It doesn’t matter how or when. You just know you already have in you what you are feeling and want. All you have to do is let it unfold moment by moment…
The magic is waiting for you. You just have to make the bold choice.
Have you stopped sticking to a plan and allowed it to unfold every moment? How did it feel? Please share with me in the comments.

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