When you think of romance, you think of romance in a relationship or partnership or dating. You think of how a man treats you and lavishes you with attention, affection, warmth, and his time is what romance is about. The flowers, candle lit dinners, vacations together, etc.
Yet romance is more than that. It definitely encompasses all this, yet more than that. It’s about being in this state of feeling and embodying it daily in your day to day life. It’s a way of life and how you treat yourself.
Often, how you romance and love yourself is directly correlated to how you feel and how a man or partner and others treat and feel about you.
Pillar 7 is all about romance and it’s what I focused on recently. I literally romanced myself for a week or two and let myself soak in the energy of romance. Being a Taurean, I’m naturally very romantic.
I showered myself with a lot of attention and warmth. I got myself my favorite roses, cooked myself delicious meals, played with my humor and lightness of spirit, danced, self-pleasured, slept, relaxed, and more.
I got myself new dresses for the new year and dressed nicely and sexily for no reason really, only to shine in my skin comfortably. In the mornings, I adorned myself with jewelry. At home in the evenings, I wore lacy dresses and spent time with myself. I even walked around naked or with very little clothing on because I really love my body. I never thought I would say that, yet this is now the truth.
I looked at myself in the mirror and was able to find beauty and sexiness within myself. It’s not that I found myself perfect. Rather, that I found perfection in my flaws and imperfections. I found acceptance.
Romancing myself also allowed me to connect to my inner well of deep abundance and richness. Yes, richness. That’s the right word. I felt rich during this divine process of romancing myself. By rich, I don’t mean materialistically. I felt rich like feeling fulfilled and filled up with love and sensuality and pleasure.
I came to the realization that this deep abundance and feeling of richness ultimately reflects in other areas of my life – like money, love, sex, pleasure, career, well-being.
When I completed this pillar, I sat down in my apartment and journaled to the following questions.
DO: How can you feel more romance starting now? What can you do to romance yourself beautifully, sexily, and sensually? How did you feel when you romanced yourself? Did it bring up a bundle of emotions? How can you incorporate this into your life more?
Another huge realization I had was that romance is the act of loving myself and someone else deeply, intimately, sensually, and sexily. It is about creating a luscious, divine atmosphere where I am showered with attention, affection, pleasure, warmth, and time.
The process felt very effortless because I was just being me. I felt I was filling myself with a deep sea and ocean of love and pleasure and sexual energy. I found myself lovely, delightful, sexy, hot, and a Goddess 😉
I had this deep feeling of surrender, love excitement, mystery, and intrigue for my own life and self. It did bring up a bundle of emotions at times and I felt vulnerable because I wasn’t used to treating myself this special and beautifully.
I have a much greater sense of self-worth now and this pillar was eye-opening because it was now in motion and in practice of being a high value woman. I smiled for no reason throughout this pillar and truly romance is both simplicity and grand acts and gestures of love and affection.
I made a pact to myself that I can incorporate more romance into my life by doing these romantic, sweet things for myself daily everyday. I can create and carve out time for my schedule. Perhaps have a day each week devoted to romancing myself.
The next pillar is Intuition and I’m excited about writing about this for the next post. For now, have a beautiful week ahead 🙂
The tools and practices I used to embody my intention and focus on Pillar 7 Romance:
The Mind (mental intelligence): Observing my thoughts and belief system on romancing myself and how much romance I felt worthy and deserving of. I also reflected on how romance fits into an intimate partnership and relationship.
The Body (instinctual intelligence/body wisdom): I learned to feel romance and love deep in my body and feeling so wildly intimate with myself that I felt this richness, intrigue, and mystery for my own self and life. I also slept, napped, self-pleasured, ate joyfully, danced and more. Romancing myself felt wild, breezy, easy, loving, gentle, and sexy all combined.
The Heart (emotional intelligence): Journaling about the questions earlier I mentioned.
The Soul (higher self/spirit): Understanding what my higher self wants to lead and teach me. This week, I learned romancing oneself is mandatory in order to feel fulfilled and filled up and how it reflects in an intimate partnership and relationship. I also noticed the connection of romance to receiving and transmitting.
Lots of Love,
Image source: annsliees.com

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