I can’t count how many times I’ve been in a transition. My previous transition had occurred around May 2015 when I quit my job, ended a relationship, moved out of my apartment, and went to live with my parents. A couple months later, life was pretty different. I started working again. I approached my work very differently.
Instead of dreading going to work and keep fantasizing about the future, I decided to stay grounded in the best. I decided to seek pleasure and joy in my work even if I was doing tasks I didn’t enjoy. I made a decision to feel love in my body and heart in where I was in life at that point in time.
Every morning, I went to work and took my journal. Before I started checking my emails, I grabbed a cup of coffee and wrote five things I was thankful for in my journal. I’m proud to say I did this consistently and still start my day like this.
And I would choose a specific feeling to focus on for the day and practiced feeling it moment by moment. That’s it. And then the next day I chose another feeling. The feelings varied from happiness, joy, peace, to ease.
When going through a transition, it is important to trust the process and let it unfold without any interference. That means to get out of your own way. Your mind is meant to support your heart’s desires, yet most of the time our mind creates chatter and self-talk that is not supportive and instead critical. And your mind will create a bunch of excuses or jump to a conclusion. Every time that happens, bring yourself back to the present moment and take a deep breath.
Most of all, don’t judge the process and your feelings that arise during the transition time. Take your time and if you feel resistance or intense emotions arising, then go deep and slow. Hold yourself dearly like you would to your friend who needs extra support and kindness.
In Enchanted Silence, Shivani decides to take a leave from her office job to go to India for her transition into the internship in Mumbai, India where she would learn about nonprofits and her passion, social causes. She ends up taking stock of her past and making peace of it and moving forward to start a new chapter. The whole process for change starts from within and becomes reflected in her external world.
Sensual Practices: Make time for your pleasure, but go slow and deep when loving your body. I like to take a feather and brush it against my skin and whole body and feel fully every stroke of the feather. You may want to stop or become impatient, but stay with the practice. Do it for at least five minutes and feel every emotion that arises. This will help you to stay in the present moment and when you are anchored in the now, you will find synchronicity, guidance, and comfort flow to you that will help you to move forward with ease and flow. It’s a simple, but powerful exercise.
Intuitive Practices: Get a deck of tarot cards and do a reading for yourself is soothing and can provide you with guidance and simply support you to believe in the unseen and have faith that what is unfolding is for your higher good. You can even go for a professional tarot card reading or energy healing to deeply support yourself during a transition. Or open up a journal and write how you want to feel during this transition and what fears are arising and what self-care practices you will take on board for your well-being.
If this post resonated with you and you’d like to move to the next chapter of your life by honoring your past and navigating your current transition with ease and flow, please get in touch with me and schedule time with me to become more Wildly intimate with your desires and goals. I’d love to hold space for your own deep transformation, dear Wildly Intimate Woman.
Image source: CAMP Collection

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