Hello there! Welcome to my official website! I cannot tell you how inspired and excited I am to be going on this enchanting journey with you.
The last couple months of my life have been a series of moments of beautiful chaos. I have really gotten to know myself. I have taken the time to do inner work. I can feel the shift happening in my life. I can feel I am transforming. But this didn’t happen instantly.
In case you haven’t read my About Priyanka, my life had gone through many changes in the past couple years. The turning point was when my father had a stroke. A sea of changes then came rushing into our lives. It took some time to deal with the aftermath, but after the end of every experience, I vividly remember thinking to myself:
How do I change my life? When will I be happy? When will things start heading in the right direction?
I can’t recall the exact moment, but something clicked inside me. I realized that whatever the experience – personal, professional, or romantic – I wasn’t happy even if I changed the person or job. Things still remained the same. My heart whispered to me: Gosh, maybe it had to do with me. Maybe I was searching in the wrong place all this time.
So, earlier this year, I made the life-changing decision to work on myself.
To go on an inner journey. I was going to head on face my fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs. And after I faced them, I was going to kick them out of my life.
I did many things to clear out my inner crap and replace it with my inner beauty and goodness, but one practice I did consistently was gratitude journaling. Gratitude journaling is the simple act of writing down things for which one is grateful. When I started, I had no idea that I would come to love it.
Let Your Journaling Be Moved by Your Feelings
I let my energy and feelings flow naturally like the river. I didn’t force myself to feel grateful or motivated. I waited until I felt serene and connected to my inner self. There is no perfect time to journal, but during the night is the best time for me. I slipped into bed, played some soft music, and closed my eyes. I thought about my day. Once I was relaxed, I jotted down the things I’m grateful for. The more I gratitude journaled, the more my lists became longer and I felt happier.
It’s not that my days had drastically changed. I was more aware about people and things in my life that I truly appreciated. I now made the conscious decision to be happy and grateful.
Get Up Close & Personal
I strove to be as honest and personal as possible. I didn’t leave anything out, even something that seemed so simple. I jotted down things like: I feel thankful for him holding my hand. Or I am thankful for my mother cooking my favorite dish. Even something like: I feel thankful to have gone through my weekly meeting at work smoothly. After I realized how these simple acts made me happy, I made an effort to do the same for my loved ones and friends.
Pay Attention to Surprising Moments
I paid close attention to any unexpected moments or events that occurred. However big or small, I recorded them in my gratitude journal. Uncertainty and unexpectedness is a part of life. Being a Taurean, I like to be in control and am a bit resistant to change. But now, instead of resisting change, I go with the flow and allow life to surprise me.
Life has its own mysterious and surprising workings. I’ve learned to become thankful for these unexpected moments even when I cannot understand them at the time. I take a deep breath and let life move me. The more I’m grateful, the more open and receiving I am of life’s beauty and miracles.
I would love to hear about your thoughts on this post. Are you in the middle of a transformation? What are some of the things you are grateful for in your life now? Please share with me in the comments below.

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