About a year ago, I felt stuck in my life. I felt I wasn’t getting anywhere in my writing career, romantic relationships, finances, and more.
How did I get out of that state of feeling?
Simple! Well, the steps are actually simple, but to implement them takes practice and lots of awareness on your part. So here I go! I want to share these three specific steps I took to change my life for the better.
Started Focusing on the Life I Wanted
I used to focus on what I didn’t have or what I could have. This is the biggest lesson I have learned actually. I started thinking about the life I wanted and visualizing it all the time. The more I thought about it, the more I took action (even subconsciously) that was aligned to my vision.
Related: The 5 Secrets of Happiness I Learned from my Pet Dog Raja
Worked on my Internal Self and Listened to My Love-driven Energy
Another huge thing I did was I stopped doing whatever I was doing at the time. It was clear a major transformation was needed to put my and my family’s lives together. But before I could help my family or boyfriend or friend, I had to help myself first.
So I started changing how I felt about myself. I started to become quieter in my head so I could let my love-fueled energy guide me.
Assumed the Positive and Saw the Hidden Lesson
I only thought positive thoughts and assumed the best (most of the time!). And if still things didn’t happen the way I wanted, I saw the hidden lesson and surrendered to it. I had faith that whatever happened was the best for me at the time and would take me to where I wanted.
Do you feel stuck in your life? What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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