I have carried so much stuff in me that it amazes me how I could function to my optimal all these years. You know those people who keep thinking about the past and never move forward?
Well, that’s not me. I’m one of those people who instead keeps racing towards the future and completely detaches from what has happened.
Does that Mean Your Stuff Goes Away?
Just because I kept racing forward, it didn’t mean my emotional blocks and baggage went away. In fact, it was like snow. It kept piling up until an avalanche of emotions unleashed in my heart. It became too overwhelming. And then I exploded.
Now I understand why I kept detaching and leaving everything behind. Because it was easy to not deal with anything. Not process anything. It’s emotionally taxing to deal with everything. And because I wanted to pretend to be so strong. I didn’t want to show any “weakness.”
I got to Work the Day after My Father’s Stroke
I vividly remember going back to work the day after it happened. I started to make calls and immediately tried to get everything in order. Everyone else was crying and shocked with the events. I was too, but I ignored it all. I got to work right away and it was a way to protect myself from my emotions and vulnerability.
Truth be Told, I was Shit Scared
I didn’t know what was going to happen. But it was too much for me to deal with. This year, I FINALLY let all my stuff rise to the surface. And it scared me even more. But how would I deal with it if I never allowed it to rise?
So take a break. Pause what you are doing. Let your stuff rise to the surface. Allow yourself to slow down and spend time with yourself. When your stuff rises, don’t be scared. Instead face it head on. It’s the only way to move forward with beauty and flow. Lots of love and warmth coming my way to you 🙂
Do you pause and let your “stuff” or baggage rise to the surface? Please share with me in the comments.

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