An affirmation is a positive statement that describes an ideal or desired situation or state of mind. When repeated, it can get instilled in your subconscious and create a positive belief system.
I never knew about affirmations until I started saying them over and over to myself this year. It’s one of the practices I practice actively until now.
Removes Blocks and Limiting Beliefs
You may not even realize it, but there are certain beliefs you are holding right now that is preventing you from living your true highest potential. It is so deeply ingrained in your mind that you don’t even know you’re thinking it. Your actions are driven by this limiting belief. I’ll give you some examples.
Falling in love means the person will leave me.
Money does not come to me, only to people who are corrupt.
I am not good enough, everything I do is a mess.
Your Actions are Driven by These Beliefs
What is the source of these limiting beliefs? It can step from a traumatic experience, family, childhood, or even the outcome of an experience you had as an adult. You started to associate the belief to those outcomes.
But these beliefs are dangerous and keep you from living your best life possible.
For some time, I believed that I had to be struggling or working hard. Nothing couldn’t come easily and flow naturally to me. But that’s not true. It’s just the internal programming in my head.
I Say Affirmations in the Night and Before Going to Sleep
An affirmation I say often is: I am becoming more and more prosperous everyday. Or I say: I am wealthy and have abundance.
Surely and steadily, my internal programming changed. I replaced my block with a positive self belief. And as soon as I did, I noticed how things started shifting in my life.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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