Dear Reader,
In all my posts I speak about navigating my sexual transformation journey. Something else this journey has created is my creativity is blossoming greatly. I feel ideas and visions float into my mind when I’m sleeping, showering, bathing, or being still. I am learning to cultivate my sexual energy and not release it immediately and let it stay in my body so I can relish it and nourish it and hold space for this life force sexual energy in my body.
When I hold the energy, my womanhood blossoms and my feminine energy becomes stronger. I become like a magnet who can draw to her what she desires with much, much, much, much more ease and flow. Rather than hustling or “working hard” for what I desire, I do the energetic work first and then take the right actions and allow it to flow to me the way the river flows naturally and abundantly. Life is much easier when I flow.
In this way, my creative energy flows the way my sexual energy flows 🙂 I am seeing how money and sex are connected and since my self-worth is increasing, I also feel more worthy to receive money in healthy, loving, and easeful ways. I am working on creating passive income streams by creating a digital course based on my workshop that was successful last year.
I am in the creation stage of this digital course and I am putting all my love, sensuality, and energy into this course. It is exciting and I feel filled with joy and happiness when I work on my digital course. I feel that my creative gifts are worth receiving money for and the money I receive from this digital course I shall save for my future.
I am giving myself the beautiful gift of freedom, space, and joy by creating passive income streams. I have an idea for a book I’d like to write, though that will be next year. There is no rush 🙂 Everything unfolds in its own time naturally and magically. I am willing to trust the divine timing.
I am also doing this to prepare for the next phase of my life which is a life with my Beloved. Our beautiful life together where marriage and children occur and I’d like to focus on him so he can show up fully for his desires and dreams and be the leader in our relationship and life together.
With Love,
Image source: Learn to Dance

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