There has always been some kind of drama in my family. I don’t know if I should say this, but there is an element of drama in Indian people. I mean this in the best possible way 🙂
There was drama with my relatives, own family, and then friends in high school and university.
Drama or B.S.? Which One is Better?
There is a thin, thin line between drama and B.S. Drama can be fun and seductive at times. Even I have to admit, I like to hear the latest gossip. I like to hear what’s going on with friends and family.
But B.S. can truly bring you down. Drama can run into B.S. territory.
What Is B.S. Exactly?
It’s when another person’s negativity spills into your life. They say and do things that aren’t positive. They judge and criticize. I’m not taking a holier than thou attitude here. Neither am I saying I am perfect.
What I am saying is that you deserve and must be who you are wholly and fully. When someone judges or criticizes you for being you, then it’s time to gracefully exit out of their life.
The Best Way to Deal With B.S.?
There is only so much space in your life. Whether it’s in your professional, financial, romantic, and social life. There is only so much space and it is up to YOU to decide how you want to fill that space.
So my advice on the best way in dealing with B.S.? Don’t deal with it, darling!
I simply do not hang out with people who bring me down. I don’t need to deal with their B.S. It is their responsibility. I don’t have to spend my precious energy around them nor on situations that are clearly not uplifting.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? How do you not tolerate B.S. in your life? Please share with me in the comments.

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