Question: What is the hardest part and best part of writing a novel?
Answer: The hardest and best part of writing a novel is actually getting the writing done!
Writing Requires Discipline & Drive
Luckily, I’m one of those people who loves to plan and being methodical, so I made sure I wrote on a daily basis. I would tell myself I would not get off my chair without finishing 500 words or a scene.
I wouldn’t want to admit this to my friends now, but I made excuses for several parties so I could have Saturdays free to write my heart away! I was surprised at myself by how focused I was on completing my novel. Now I realize that this kind of focus and drive is important for any goal one would like to achieve. I knew I would be tired after an evening of working full-time, so I made a conscious decision to make space in my social life and allocate it to writing time.
An Enchanting Process
It is a time-consuming process, but the actual writing is an enchanting process. I guess when I wrote, I felt that enchanted silence I talk about in my novel. Whenever I wrote a scene, I felt those moments where you feel wholly alive and feel just genuinely happy and peaceful. I can’t explain the feeling completely with words, but it felt spiritual in some ways. I felt connected to the Universe or that abundant source of energy through my writing. It didn’t have to do with whether my novel would be published or whether I would sign with an agent. When I wrote, those questions didn’t arise in my mind. It was actually the simplicity of the moment and just feeling happy.

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