“I don’t like to gamble, but if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself.” – Beyonce
I came across this quote by Beyonce recently and fell in love with it. Well, first thing, even I don’t like to gamble! When I go to Las Vegas, I sit around sipping on a drink, watching frantic strangers gamble.
Alright gambling aside! How many women bet on themselves? How many times have you bet on yourself? In other words, women place their faith on a man, job, and other external things, but none in themselves.
Be Daring and Break Free
You don’t have control over a person or situation, but you do have control over yourself. How many times have you heard of a woman waiting for their man to propose? Or someone waiting for the job promotion? You chase after these things because you feel it will validate you and fill you up.
When you fall in love or start a new job or have a new experience, you are taking a risk. You don’t know what’s going to happen, but you jump in anyways. After a point though, you link your truth and inner self to the outcome.
Overfill Yourself With Self-Love
Why not place so much faith and love in yourself that whether your boyfriend proposes or not, you know you’re going to be happy and supported in life? Why not believe that even if you don’t get that job promotion you want, you still feel fulfilled and loved?
Practice self-love so you feel supported regardless of what happens in life. Remain open, be daring, and break free from expectations and fears. Know the love you carry for yourself will carry you through your life.
When you bet on yourself, you know regardless of how a relationship or situation turns out, you have yourself to fall back on.
Tell me about an experience where you placed trust in yourself regardless of how the situation turned out. Please share with me in the comments.

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