Too many times, I hear my girlfriends and even guy friends say: I’m not ready for a relationship. I have too much going on with me. I need to work on myself before I jump into a relationship.
Yada, Yada, Yada…
Ditch Your Excuses
To tell you the truth, I feel people use these reasons as excuses to avoid being in a relationship. And in all honesty, I have done this myself many times.
Now, I am not advocating to be in a relationship for the sake of it and especially if you don’t have the desire to be in one at the moment. What I am saying is don’t make excuses to not be in a relationship, when deep down you want to be in one.
Never a Perfect Time
There is never a perfect time for anything in life. This goes for relationships especially. Perhaps a guy asks you out and you feel this is not the right time in your life for romance. But is there really a right time?
The people I know who are in happy relationships and marriages actually met in the most unusual circumstances and had no idea things would fall together perfectly. They gave each other a chance and it led to one thing to another.
The point is you can’t live life according to a fixed time table and taking chances is the only way to find out.
Beauty in Not Being Whole
While I am a huge supporter of self-love and I strongly believe a woman should be secure in herself even in a relationship, I also believe this can be taken to the extreme. You can love yourself, yet have flaws and emotional issues. You can still be vulnerable.
Working on yourself is a constant journey. You can still experience romance while you are working on yourself. If you’re not perfect, neither is he. Perhaps that’s how you experience the beauty of being with someone.
What has been your experience with relationships? Please share with me in the comments.

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